Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jesus titty fucking Christ - Now i have your attention....

Some things that i've always known, have just dawned on me: -

By the hammer of Thor, i'm 21!

By the hammer AND beard of Thor, i'll be 22 in October!

By the bow of Apollo, i'm studying at university!

By Odin's Raven, it's already 2008! I remember the 90's......

By the sandals of Jesus, it's already halfway through August!

By Merlin's wand, i'm going to Toronto next week!

By King Arthurs' sword, my older brother's moving to Korea in less than a week!

By the crook of Anubis, the Star Wars films aren't actually that good!

That was fun, i wonder if i'll be struck blind by the obvious again tomorrow.


TheWhitePearl said...

Praise be to the crook of Anubis.

Geezus, I thought I was the only person who didn't appreciate those films.

Toronto??? hmm

Apathy Personified said...

Yes, Toronto.
We have an elderly relative in Vancouver, so we are meeting up with her in Toronto (no, i don't know why either) - i'm just pleased that i managed to talk myself into a free holiday - downside, it's with family members :(

Star Wars films are just accumulated plagiarism and cheesiness - fact.

TheWhitePearl said...

Ahh too bad it's not somewhere in the states.

Apathy Personified said...

Indeed, i wish it was somewhere in the states, but not this time i'm afraid.

The closest i'll get is probably Niagara falls....i could always make a break and swim to the US.....

Lee said...

"Jesus titty fucking Christ - Now i have your attention...."

What the F..

Yep - it worked :)

By the crook of Anubis, the Star Wars films aren't actually that good

Burn the none believer!!!

Actually, I think they are a good bit of fun but that is all.

Of course the original trilogy are the best… the ‘latest’ trilogy is shite


Apathy Personified said...

Hi Lee,
I used to think the original trilogy were just silly fun and i actualled liked them, but then i realised i was giving them undue respect, just because they were Star Wars - When properly watched, they are just a mess of cheesy one-liners, a poorly put together, mass plagiarised script and please don't get me started on the ewoks!

Lee said...

When properly watched, they are just a mess of cheesy one-liners, a poorly put together, mass plagiarised script and please don't get me started on the ewoks!

They look good though don't they?

I scared to watch them again now... it might break my childhood illusion.
