Monday, August 31, 2009

A test

I totally forgot about this blog.

Anyway, is anyone out there?


Diacanu said...

I am. :)

Jonathan said...

No, there's nobody here. Diacanu is a figment of your imagination.

Or is he..........

Apathy Personified said...

Perhaps we are all ghosts Jon... playing out the lifes we never had the chance to live....

Feel free to use that idea in a book, but just cut me in for about 25% of any profit :)

Hi to you both, have either of you accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour?

Jonathan said...

Nah, though I played around with the idea of worshipping Ahura Mazda but it didn't really take. How about you, been up to much?

Apathy Personified said...

Hmmm, worshipping Japanese cars? :) Ha - that's pretty old school. I bought Dianetics for 50p from a charity shop, can't wait to read it.

I've finished uni now, so just have to go onto the next thing really. What about you, done anything exciting recently?

Jonathan said...

Would the next thing be getting a job?

As for me, not much really. Been trying to do some more writing, with varying degrees of success.

Apathy Personified said...

Among other things, yes, getting a job is high up on the 'to-do' list.

Any new books or short stories finished recently?

Jonathan said...

Well I've been doing some writing recently. Plan this weekend to attack a short story I started then abandoned at about three hundred words months ago, so that might be up in the near future. Will have to go back and look again at my stalled third novel.

Any idea what job you're aiming for?

Apathy Personified said...

Cool cool, let me know when you put them online.

I have no idea, which is presenting a slight problem when it comes to editting my CV and actually looking for a job.